Our volunteer mentors are key to the support we give to young people. We value all that they do for the young people they work with.
The most valuable gift that a mentor can offer a young person is their time. Time to listen, have fun and explore the issues they are grappling with. Investing your time in a young person sends a strong message to them that they matter.
A Breathe mentor meets with a young person every 1-2 weeks and provides mentoring and support for at least 12 months. A mentor can be a consistent role model who will have a positive and lasting impact upon their life – helping them to set goals and navigate their way through some of the challenges they are facing.

Mentoring offers you the opportunity to make a difference in your local community and to use your life experience to help young people. Mentors benefit from seeing a positive change in the person they are mentoring.
Mentors come from a variety of backgrounds and ages. No special qualifications are required. Qualities needed are those often gained through life experience. However, you will also need a commitment and desire to help young people.
Training and application process
We will help you to prepare and get the most from your mentoring experience by providing pre-programme training and continued support.
All mentors will need to complete a simple application form and have an interview. A Disclosure and Barring service (DBS) check will be required and will be arranged by the Mentor Coordinator.
For an application form, you can download it from here:
Or for more information you can contact one of our Mentor Coordinators:
Ruth Julius
– Phone: 07738 422831, email: rjulius@breatheyouth.org.uk
Duncan de Gruchy
– Phone 07375147924, email: ddegruchy@breatheyouth.org.uk