Breathe could not run its youth clubs, mentoring programme and other activities without your generous support.
Our youth clubs provide a range of activities and experiences that support the personal, social, emotional and spiritual development of our children and young people.

£5 a month will enable two young people go on a club outing
£15 a month will help towards venue hire for one of our clubs

We live in an area that offers a wide range of activities our young people can take part in that are fun and help build their confidence.
Through our mentor programme we have helped young people to:
- Feel better about themselves
- Engage in their education
- Grow in confidence
- Get through challenges in their lives
- Develop a better relationship with their families

£3 will buy a drink – a chance for a mentee to explore issues and challenges with their mentor
£50 will pay for a day trip for a mentee – an opportunity to learn and explore
£160 will enable 10 young people to take part in activities that help build their confidence
£360 will mean that 10 young people can take part in an adventure day that will help improve their self esteem
Organizing a fundraising activity is a great way to support us
Here are some ideas:
Hold a coffee morning

Run a sponsored event

Run a quiz night – virtual or face to face

Sell unwanted items online

Whether you want to make a one off donation or give regularly please contact
James Woodcock at:
Thank you for your generosity